Resolution on the Development of Film and endogenous and Non-Endogenous Cultural Industries

CM/Res.1120 (XLVI)



The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Forty-sixth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 20 to 25 July 1987,

Recalling the relevant provisions of the cultural Charter for Africa,

Recalling Declaration AHG/Decl.1 (XXI) on the Cultural Aspects of the Lagos Plan of Action for Africa’s Economic Development adopted by the Twenty -first Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in July. 1985,

Recalling Resolution CMAC/Res.3 (I) and CMAC/Res.13 (I) adopted by the Conference of African Ministers of culture held in Port-Louis, Mauritius in April, 1985,

Considering the need for improved organization of endogenous and non- endogenous cultural industries with a view to streamlining them in accordance with the Lagos Plan of Action and the African Priority Programme for Economic Recovery to adequately take into account the cultural dimension of development,

Having considered and adopted the report of the Secretary-General on film and endogenous and non-endogenous cultural industries in Africa (Document CM/1439 (XLVI)):


    1. that the OAU establish and implement a programme of activities on the basis of the conclusions of the report adopted by the Council of Ministers without forgetting to complete the study on the other aspects of cultural industries;

    1. Member States take the necessary steps to ensure a better organization and development of the film and cultural industrial sector based on the above report by particularly strengthening and expanding the Inter-African Film Distribution Consortium (IFCD) and the Inter-African Film Production Consortium (IFPC) based in Ouagadougou, (Burkina Faso);

    1. Inter-governmental African cultural organizations and African economic integration bodies give special attention to cultural films and industries as cultural and economic development factors and take the necessary steps on the basis of the conclusions of the report referred to above;

  1. REQUESTS international organizations and African financial institutions to provide assistance to OAU, its Member States as well as to the African professional organizations concerned for the better organization and development of the film and cultural sector in Africa;

  1. THANKS the UNDP for the assistance it has given OAU within the framework of project RAF/82/003;

  1. COMMENDS the efforts African film producers and other professional organizations are making, particularly within the framework of FEPACI;

  1. URGES them to make cinematography an instrument of liberation and socio-cultural development;

  1. APPEALS to African producers of Cultural and Social Services to continue to improve the quality of their works.

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