Vote of Thanks to the People’s Republic of the Congo

Vote of Thanks to the People’s Republic of the Congo

CM/Res.1186 (XLIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Forty-ninth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 20 - 25 February, 1989,

Considering the active role played by the People’s Republic of the Congo in the process leading to the Quadripartite negotiations between Angola – Cuba and South Africa with the mediation of the United States of America and which resulted in the signing of the Brazzaville Protocol on 13 December, 1988, and the New York Agreement on 22 December, 1988,

Taking note of the convening by the Congo of the Constituent General Assembly of the African Anti-Apartheid Committee in Brazzaville in January, 1989,

Commending the important role thus played by Africa and more specifically by the People’s Republic of the Congo in this phase leading to the establishment of peace in Angola and Namibia’s accession to independence as well as towards the eradication of apartheid in South Africa,

Bearing particularly in mind, the personal contribution of H.E. President Sassou-Nguesso to this historic process:

  1. WARMLY CONGRATULES the Government and people of the People’s Republic of the Congo for their unflinching solidarity with the just and noble cause of the liberation of Africa;

  1. PAYS TRIBUTE to President Denis Sassou-Nguesso for his readiness and militant commitment which contributed to the signing of the Brazzaville Protocol and thereby the New York Agreement;

  1. FURTHER EXPRESSES its thanks to the People’s Republ ic of the Congo for organizing the First Constituent General Assembly of the African

Anti-Apartheid Committee held in Brazzaville from 12 – 14 January 1989;

  1. THEREFORE CONVEYS to the Government and people of the Republic of the Congo its sincere gratitude and best wishes.

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