Resolution on the Uruguay Round Negotiations of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

Resolution on the Uruguay Round Negotiations of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

CM/Res.1191 (XLIX)



The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Forty-ninth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 20 to 25 February, 1989,

Aware that the Uruguay Round of the Multilateral Trade Negotiations was launched in September 1986 in Punta del Este, Uruguay, and that consultations are afoot with a view to launch the second phase of the negotiations,

Recalling the resolution of the Heads of State and Government of the OAU adopted in Lagos, Nigeria, in April 1980 in conjunction with the Lagos Plan of Action in respect of Africa’s participation in in ternational negotiations,

Further recalling Resolution AHG/136 (XXI)/Plen/Res.11 of the Twenty-first Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the OAU in Africa’s participation in international negotiations adopted with the Afri ca’s Priority Programme for Economic Recovery, 1986 – 1990 (APPER),

Bearing in mind the decisions of the Eighth Session of the Conference of African Ministers of Trade held in Brazzaville (Congo) in October 1985,

Having examined the report of the Sixteenth Ordinary Session of the OAU Permanent Steering Committee in respect of the Uruguay Round Negotiations, especially the outcome of the mid-term review of the negotiations held in Montreal, Canada, in December 1988,

Noting with satisfaction the decision of the UNDP to finance a project of technical assistance to African countries in the Uruguay Round negotiations under the auspices of UNCTAD, OAU and ECA,

Further noting that the first seminar has already been organized from 6 to 8 February 1989 in Lome, Togo for the participants for West and Central African countries and that subsequent sub-regional seminars are envisaged in Africa under the project:

  1. CALLS ON all African Contracting Parties participating in the current GATT multilateral trade negotiations to:

    1. participate actively in the negotiations so as to safeguard Africa’s interest;

    1. seek a package of concessions which would not only increase their market access but would also help the processing of their raw materials into manufactured and semi-manufactured goods;

    1. take full advantage of the UNDP financed project of technical assistance in the Uruguay Round Negotiations;

    1. ensure effective co-ordination, so as to harmonize their strategies in the different negotiations within the ACP/EEC for a successo r Agreement to the Lome III Convention and the GATT;

    1. formulate and defend a Common Declaration on major issues, leaving the detailed aspects of the negotiations to be formulated on the basis of the contractual nature of the negotiations.

  1. INVITES the Permanent Steering Committee, the African Group in Geneva and other capitals where negotiations are in progress; to effectively participate in and monitor developments;

  1. REQUESTS the OAU/ECA and UNCTAD under the UNDP financed project to assist African countries in these negotiations;

  2. REQUESTS the Director-General of GATT to help the African countries within the framework of GATT’s technical assistance programme, to better acquaint themselves with multilateral trade negotiations;

  1. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to communicate this resolution to all parties concerned particularly the African Group in Geneva and Brussels.

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