Resolution in Tribute to Naguib Mahfouz

CM/Res.1192 (XLIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Forty-ninth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 20 to 25 February, 1989,

Having read with satisfaction the Report CM/1532 (XLIX) submitted by the Secretary-General on the award of the Nobel Prize for Literature 1988 to Naguib Mahfouz,

Delighted by this mark of distinction which does honor not only to the writer’s works but to the African Continent as a whole,

Considering that through his works and their adaptation to films, Naguib Mahfouz has excellently projected the African and Arab literature:

  1. CONGRATULATES Naguib MAHFOUZ sincerely and URGES him to persevere in his letters;

  1. REQUESTS the Third Session of the Conference of African Ministers of Culture scheduled for 1990 to arrange for an official ceremony in hommage to Wole SOYINKA and Naguib MAHFOUZ, Laureates of the Nobel Prize for Literature.

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