Motion of thanks to the Republic of Cuba

CM/Res.1214 (L)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fiftieth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 17 to 22 July, 1989,

Conscious of the role played and the sacrifices made by the people and the Government of the Republic of Cuba, in true solidarity and brotherhood in the defence of the territorial integrity and independence in the People’s Republic of Angola and for peace and security in that country,

Taking into account in accordance with the Protocol of Brazzaville of 13 December, 1988 and the New York Agreement on 22 December, 1988 the withdrawal of the Cuban Internationalist Forces from the People’s Republic of Angola:

  1. SALUTES those Cubans of the Internationalist Forces who fell in the battlefield of honor for the cause of Africa in general and of Angola in particular;

  1. EXPRESSES ITS PROFOUND GRATITUDE to President Fidel Castro, the people and Government of the Republic of Cuba for their true solidarity and devotion towards the Angolan people in defence of its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

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