CM/Res.1230 (L)
(1990 – 2000)
The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fiftieth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 17 to 22 July, 1989,
Having considered the OAU Secretary-General’s report on Child Survival, Protection and Development and the State of Immunization of Children in Africa (Document CM/1561 (L)),
Recalling Resolutions CM/Res.1163 (XLCIII) and 1164 (XLVIII) of the Forty- eighth Ordinary Session of the OAU Council of Ministers held in Addis Ababa in May 1989,
Cognizant of Resolution CAMH/Res.7 (III) adopted by the OAU Conference of African Ministers of Health in their 3rd Ordinary Session, held in Kampala, Uganda, in May 1989,
Aware of the necessity to adopt the draft Convention on the Rights of the Child at the 44th UN General Assembly Session,
Considering the experiences and the achievement of the African countries over the past four years on the mobilization of social organizations and their networks towards expanded and sustained actions for the Survival, protection and Development of Children and their mothers,
Conscious of the short and long-term positive impact of the Grand Alliance for Child Survival, Protection and Development, not only for enhancing children’s well-being, but also for the benefit of the future African generations and the overall development of Africa,
Cognizant of the fact that food health constitutes a vital factor in African development,
Concerned about the negative impact of structural adjustment programmes on vulnerable groups such as woman and children,
Taking into account the progress already achieved by some countries in the implementation of the Banako Initiative and the innovative scheme to make primary health care universally accessible to mothers and children,
Fully aware of the need to strengthen Child Survival, Protection and Development interventions, including immunization and safe motherhood programmes for the sake of both mothers and their children in Africa,
Aware of interaction between Child Survival, Protection and Development and formal as well as informal education and the role of functional literacy in development,
Noting with interest the forthcoming World Conference on Education for All Meeting Basic Learning Needs to be held in Bangkok, Thailand, on 5 – 9 March 1990:
ENDORSES the Declaration of the 1990s as the Decade for the African Child;
CALLS UPON Member States to intensify their political commitment to the cause of Survival, Protection and Development of the African Child;
URGES Member States to take every necessary action to ensure the full success of the Decade for the African Child and calls upon them to declare their own national 1990s Decade; and to set up a follow up mechanism to assess such decade;
URGES all Member States to support adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child at the 44th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, and to consider its early ratification;
FURTHER URGES Member States to play an active role towards the mobilization of all relevant social forces with special emphasis on the community of grass-root levels so as to achieve the awareness implied in the objectives of the Decade and of relevant strategies;
ENCOURAGES the efforts to convene a World Summit for Children during 1990;
CALLS ON Member States to support the concept of “Adjustment with a Human Face” in order to protect investment in the social sectors such as health and education;
COMMENDS UNICEF, under the leadership of the Executive Director, for the continued support to efforts on Survival, Protection and Development of the African Child and all other agencies working in this field on our continent for the achievements so far attained in this endeavor;
CALLS UPON UNICEF, WHO and other relevant UN agencies as well as Non-Governmental Organizations and the donor community at large to assist Member States in their efforts to achieve the goals of the Decade through financial, material and human support and to work closely with the OAU Health Bureau;
FURTHER CALLS UPON the Secretary-General of the Organization of African Unity to report to the 52nd Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers on the progress achieved in the implementation of this resolution.