Resolution on Africa and the International Literacy Year (1990)

CM/Res.1237 (L)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fiftieth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 17 to 22 July, 1989,

Having considered the Report of the OAU Secretary-General on Africa and the International Literacy Year (1990) (Doc/CH/1556 (L)),

Recalling Resolution CM/Res.800 (XXXV) on continuing Adult Education,

Endorsing Recommendation No. 2 and the Declaration adopted by the Conference of Ministers of Education and Ministers of Economic Planning of Member States, (Harare, June 1982),

Conscious of the fact that, despite the laudable efforts deployed by States, Governmental or Non-Governmental Organizations, illiteracy still remains one of the social scourges afflicting our Continent,

Convinced that the objectives envisaged for the economic recovery and development of Africa make the eradication of illiteracy by the year 200 imperative:

  1. HAILS the proclamation of an International Literacy year (1990) by the UN General Assembly;

  1. URGES Member States to:

    1. sensitize, mobilize public opinion on illiteracy and the need for its eradication;

    1. increase the financial and human resources allocated to literacy programmes;

    1. strengthen co-operation and solidarity among Member States in this area and more particularly in the sub-regions;

    1. increase their co-operation with NGOs and ensure a better co- ordination with them;

    1. make a critical analysis of activities undertaken in this field and give consideration of the fate of adults, youth and women.

  1. EXPRESSES SATISFACTION at the initiative taken by UNESCO, UNICEF and UNDP in collaboration with the World Bank with a view to launching a joint world literacy campaign;

  1. INVITES Member States to participate actively in this event;

  1. APPEALS to the international community to increase its assistance to developing countries and in particular the Least Developed Countries in their efforts to eradicate illiteracy;

  1. REQUESTS the Secretary-General of the OAU to report periodically on the progress of the International Literacy Year.

CM/Res.1237 (L)



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