Resolution on the Program Budget for Financial Year 1991

CM/Res.1310 (LIII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fifty -third Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 25 February to 1 March 1991,

Having considered the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative, Budgetary and Financial Matters on the management of the finances of the Organization during the period 1989/1990 (Document CM/1640 (LIII) Rev.1),

Having further considered the recommended Program-Budget of the General Secretariat for the Financial Year 1991/1992 (Document Cm/1639 (LIII) Rev.2),

Desirous of ensuring sound financial management of the Organization,

Aware of the difficult economic and financial conditions prevailing in all OAU Member States,

Deeply concerned about the state of the arrears of contribution due to the Organization’s operational budget and convinced of the need for appropriate steps to be taken to res olve this very pressing problem which risks paralyzing the activities of the General


  1. APPROVES 1991/1992 Program and ADOPTS the Budget of US$27 909 954 for the operations of the Organization for the 1991/1992 Financial Year;

  1. ADOPTS the Reports of the Board of External Auditors and the Advisory Committee on Administrative, Budgetary and Financial Matters and ENCOURAGES the Advisory Committee and the Secretary-General to Pursue their efforts to rationalize and improve the administrative and financial Management of the Organization;

  1. COMMENDS Member States which have fully paid their assessed contributions and APPEALS to all the Member States which have not yet paid their contributions to do so urgently;

  1. ENCOURAGES the Secretary-General to pursue his current efforts to ensure greater efficiency in the management of the Organization’s financial, material and human resources;

  1. ADOPTS the Rules of Procedure of the sanctions Committee set up by Resolution CM/Res.1279 (LII) on the Question of Arrears of Contributions;

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  1. AUTHORIZES the Secretary-General to implement the budget and, in consultation with the Advisory Committee on Administrative, Budgetary and Financial Matters, to resolve all administrative and financial issues raised in In the Committee’s Recommendations within the ceiling of the approved Budgetary appropriations and in accordance with the Financial Rules and Resolutions.

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