Resolution on the Program Budget for the 1992/1993 Financial Year

CM/Res.1363 (LV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fifty -fifth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 24 to 28 February 1992,

Having considered the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative, Budgetary and Financial Matters on the Proposed Program Budget for the 1992/1993 Financial Year (Doc.CM/1688 (LV)),

Having considered the report of the Board of External Auditors on the Financial Management of the Organization during the 1990/1991 Financial Year (Doc.CM/1687 LV)) Add.1 –15 Rev.1,

Having examined the Draft Program Budget as recommend by the Fifty-fifth Session of the Advisory Committee for the 1992/1993 Financial Year (Doc.CM/1687 (LV) Rev.2),

Desirous of pursuing the objectives of the Organization as translated into operational programs aiming at furthering the political and socio-economic integration of the African continent:

  1. APPROVES the 1992/1993 Program Budget and ADOPTS the budget of US$27,900,894.00 for the activity programs of the Organization for the 1992/1993 Financial Year;

  1. ENDORSES recommendations in the report of the Board of the External Auditors as approved by the Advisory Committee, ENDORSES FURTHER the latter’s recommendations as contained in the report of its Fifty-fifth Session (Doc.CM/1688 (LV));

  1. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to pursue, in consultation with the Advisory Committee, his efforts to rationalize and to improve th e Administrative and financial management of the Organization;

  1. ENDORSES the proposal made by the Advisory Committee regarding deficit financing by arrears, on experimental basis for a period of 2 years, starting from June 1992, and decides to fix the amount of arrears to be involved at 15 % for the first year, and 20% for the second year, the proposed rate will be calculated on the basis of the actual amount of arrears collected during the Financial Year of reference in determining the ceiling of the proposed budget;

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  1. URGES all Member States with arrears to extend their full cooperation to the General Secretariat in paying their assessed contribution so as to make the Proposed budget financing by arrears meaningful and successful;

  1. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to make a study on comparative advantage of introducing bi-annual program budgeting within the framework of medium-term planning of the activities of the Organization and submit

a report to the Fifty-seventh Ordinary Session of the Committee in November 1992.

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