Resolution on the Improvement of Conditions Of Service for Staff of the Organization

CM/Res.1365 (LV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fifty-fifth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 24 to 28 February 1992,

Recalling the terms of reference of the Ad-Hoc Committee of Fourteen on the Structural Reform of the OAU set-up in February 1984 by its Forty-first Ordinary Session,

Bearing in mind the report of the Ad-Hoc Committee of Fourteen presented to its Fifty - First Ordinary Session (Doc.CM/1571 (LI) Rev.1),

Recalling its decisions on the report of the Ad-Hoc Committee as contained in the Plenary Report of the Committee’s Fifty -First Ordinary Session, which have no financial implications especially with regard to the systems and procedures of recruitment Doc.CM/Plen/Rapt.Rpt (LI) paragraphs 92 and 93,

Conscious of the need to improve the conditions of service of the staff of the Organization:

  1. APPROVES the recommendations of the Advisory Committee regarding the 15,5% increases in the basic salary of staff to be staggered over two successive years for staff in the General Service Category, and successive three years for staff in the Professional Category with an initial increase of 7,75% with regard to General Services Staff and 5,5% for the Professional Category effective from June 1992;

  1. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to take necessary administrative measures, as and when appropriate, in consultation with the Advisory Committee, to improve the conditions of service of the staff;

  1. INVITES the Committee of Fourteen to finalize its work, in close collaboration with the Advisory Committee, with a view to submitting to its next budgetary session scheduled for November 1992, all the

recommendations aimed at improving the conditions of services of t he staff of the Organization, including measures needed for the implementation of the

new Staff Rules and Regulations (Doc. CM/1414 (XLV) Rev.5 Annexes B and C.

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