Resolution on the Palestinian Question

CM/Res.1372 (LV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fifty -fifth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 24 to 28 February 1992,

Having considered the report of the OAU Secretary-General on the Palestinian Question contained in Document CM/1695 (LV),

Recalling the relevant resolutions adopted by the previous sessions of the Council of Ministers and the Assembly of Heads of State and Government on the Palestinian Question,

Reaffirming all the relevant resolutions previously adopted by the United Nations and the Non-Aligned Movement on the Palestinian Question,

Reasserting the legitimacy of the struggle of the Palestinian people under the leadership of the Palestinian Liberation Organization for the restoration of their land and their inalienable national rights,

Following with interest the popular uprising of the Palestinian people Intifada in the occupied Arab territories to end the Israeli occupation and restore their national rights, including the right to return to their motherland and the right to self -determination and the establishment of an independent State with Jerusalem as its capital,

Welcoming the efforts exerted by the American Administration and recent measures which culminated in the convening of the Peace Conference in Madrid and those that followed:

  1. RECONFIRMS all the relevant resolutions and decisions of the previous session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government and the OAU Council of Ministers on the Palestinian Question;

  1. EXPRESSES ITS SATISFACTION with the efforts being exerted by the United States for a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East through The convening of the Peace Conference in Madrid and the commencement of Negotiations between the parties concerned on the basis of international Legality, including Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338 and the principle Of land for peace. This will ensure the complete withdrawal of Israel from all Palestinian and Arab territories occupied in 1967, including Jerusalem and Enable the Palestinian people to exercise their inalienable national rights, Particularly the right to return to their homeland and their right to

Self-determination and the establishment of an independent State on their own Soil. WELCOMES the readiness of the Russian Federation to continue Sponsoring the Conference;

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  1. REAFFIRMS ITS SOLIDARITY and FULL SUPPORT for the just and legitimate struggle of the Palestinian people under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization, their sole legitimate representative;

  1. FURTHER REAFFIRMS its support for the uprising the Palestinian people (Intifada) in the occupied territories so as to end the Israeli occupation;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS the continuous inhuman acts being perpetrated by Israel against the population of the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories, such as the deportation, arrest and killing of women and children, destruction of homes, seizure of lands and properties, violation of the sanctity of sacred places, continuous pursuance of settlement and expansion policies, thereby, violating basic human rights and all international treaties and charters. CONSIDERS the establishment of settlements in the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories and obstacle to the international efforts being exerted to Achieve a just and comprehensive peace in the region;

  1. REQUESTS the international community to provide an appropriate

urgent international protection for the Palestinian people living under Israeli occupation and to urge Israel, the occupying State, to implement all provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, concerning the protection of civilians during the time of war;

  1. URGES all Member States to respond to the request of the United Nations Secretary-General to the implementation of Security Council Resolution 681 on convening a meeting of the parties, signatory to the Fourth Geneva Convention to discuss the measures to be taken to protect the Palestinian People in their territories occupied since 1967, and compel Israel to respect The provisions of the Convention, in accordance with her international Commitments;

  1. REASSERTS that the Palestinian Question is at the core of the Middle East conflict and that the establishment of a just and comprehensive peace in the region is dependent upon the complete withdrawal of Israel from all occupied Palestinian and Arab territories. This will enable the Palestinian

people to exercise their inalienable national rights, including the right to return to their homeland and their right of self-determination and the establishment of and independent Palestinian State on their national soil in Palestine, with Jerusalem as its capital. ALSO REASSERTS that the Palestinian Liberation Organization is the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people;

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  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS Israel’s policy of resettling migrant Jews in occupied Palestine, including Jerusalem. APPEALS to the United States of America, in accordance with its declared position, to take necessary actions to halt the process of resettlement of migrant Jews in the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories;

  1. CALLS UPON the OAU Secretary-General to follow up developments concerning the Palestinian question and to submit a report on them to the forthcoming Ordinary Session of the OAU Council of Ministers.

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