Resolution on the New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the `90’s (UN-NADAF)

CM/Res.1415 (LVI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in i ts Fifty-sixth Ordinary Session in Dakar, Senegal, from 22 to 28 June 1992,

Recalling its previous resolutions on the critical economic situation in Africa,

Considering the adoption by the UN Forty-sixth General Assembly of the UN-NADAF in December 1991, and the importance of both Africa and the international community responsibilities and commitments contained in the New Agenda,

Considering that the UN-NADAF is a program of faith in Africa and in African peoples to build their own future and also in the international community to provide this program, “with its full and tangible support to the African efforts”:

  1. WELCOMES the unanimous adoption by the United Nations General Assembly of the New Agenda for Africa in the 1990’S (UN -NADAF);

  1. REAFFIRMS African countries’ determination to meet fully their responsibilities and commitments as contained in the UN-NADAF in particular: the transformation of the structures of their economies in order to achieve growth and development on a sustained and sustainable

basis, the promotion of regional and sub-regional cooperation and integration, the intensification of the democratization process, the creation of an enabling environment that attracts foreign and domestic investment and the protection of the environment;

  1. APPEALS to the international community to meet fully its responsibilities and commitments as contained in the UN-NADAF in particular: to assisting Africa in its efforts to achieve accelerated growth and human-centered development on a sustained and sustainable basis; to tackle Africa’s external debt problem which is a serious threat to the continent’s recovery and long term development prospects, the provision of adequate resource flows to Africa to help its annual growth rate of at least six percent for which a minimum of US$30 billion in net ODA is required by 1992; to work in order

to attain the target of devoting 0,7 percent of GNP to ODA; to grant improved market access to Africa’s experts through substantial reduction in or removal of trade barriers and to mobilize additional resources to help diversification of African economies;

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  1. CALLS ON the African Group to the United Nations in New York to closely follow up the effective implementation of the UN-NADAF through all envisaged mechanisms, in particular the General Assembly consideration (1993); the ECOSOC High Level Segments (1995), the Mid Term Review (1996), the ECOSOC High Level Segment (1998) and the Final Review by the General Assembly of the United Nations (2000);

  1. ENCOURAGES existing close cooperation between OAU, ECA and the UN Office of the Special coordinator for Africa on the monitoring and follow -up of the implementation of the UN-NADAF;

  1. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to report to it at its annual meeting on the progress achieved on the implementation of the program.

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