Resolution on the establishment of the Regional African Satellite Communications System (RASCOM)

CM/Res.1498 (LIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fifty-ninth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 31 January to 4 February 1994,

Considering Article II, sub-paragraph 2 of the charter of the Organization of African Unity,

Considering the African Declaration on Cooperation, Development and Economic Independence adopted on 25 May 1973 by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity, in particular its relevant provisions on telecommunications and communications,

Considering Chapter VI of the Lagos Plan of Action relating to transport and communications,

Considering Chapter V of the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community,

Recalling its Resolutions CM/Res.1354 (LIV) and CM/Res.1435 (LVII) on the RASCOM Project,

Convinced that telecommunication by satellite constitutes an important factor in Africa’s development,

Further convinced that RASCOM is a viable and profitable enterprise in all


Convinced however that RASCOM cannot function effectively without adequate financial, human and technical resources,

Convinced also that only solidarity among Member States and effective cooperation in the field of communications will provide a solid base for RASCOM and ensure its future success,

Having considered the Report of the Secretary-General on the establishment of the Regional African Satellite Communications System (RASCOM) Doc.1810 (LIX):

  1. TAKES NOTE of the decisions of the Interim Assembly of the Parties and the Interim Governing Council of RASCOM taken at the first sessions of their respective meetings;

  1. URGENTLY APPEALS to the spirit of solidarity of all Member States and URGES them to take as soon as possible, all steps needed to ensure their adherence to RASCOM and their effective participation in its activities by signing and ratifying the Convention and the Operation Agreement;

  1. COMMENDS Member States which have registered participation in the Project especially those that have fully or partially paid-up their shares;

  1. CALLS UPON Member States which have not already done so to contribute financially to RASCOM in order to enable it have adequate resources for its smooth-functioning;

  1. COMMENDS Member States operating Domestic Satellite systems (DOMSAT) which have agreed to hand over the management of their space resources to RASCOM;

  1. URGENTLY APPEALS to all other DOMSAT countries which have not yet done so, to accept the pooling of transponder and entrust RASCOM with their management;

  1. CALLS ON all Member States to submit as early as possible to RASCOM their needs in telecommunications equipment according to the model provided;

  1. STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that RASCOM open as early as possible, its share capital to all African investors.

  1. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to communicate this resolution to the Interim Director-General of RASCOM for implementation.

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