Resolution on the Participation of Member States in the Sixth African Games in Zimbabwe

CM/Res.1545 (LX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Sixtieth Ordinary Session in Tunis, Tunisia, from 6 to 11 June, 1994,

Considering the primary role of sports as an integral part of man’s development and an undisputed factor in bringing people together,

Anxious to promote a credible and worthy African sportsmen/sportswomen eli te with high international standards in the field of sports,

Convinced that in order to gradually attain the needed standards for our sportsmen and sportswomen it is vital that the best African athletes participate periodically in friendly and multi-disciplinary competitions such as the Olympic Games,

Considering that in this regard, the African Games held every four years constitute the ideal meeting aimed at developing sporting and cultural exchanges among member countries and promoting progress in African sports,

Conscious of the contribution of sports o the promotion of peace and understanding among OAU Member States,

Bearing in mind the decision of the fifty-second Ordinary Session of the OAU Council of Ministers regarding OAU’s sponsorship and support for the African Games,

Determined to end the exodus of African sportsmen to foreign countries and the ever-increasing tendency of the sportsmen and sportswomen to turn away from African competitions preferring international competitions which they deem to be more financially profitable,

Considering the efforts and enormous sacrifices made by the republic of Zimbabwe to host the African Youths Games in 1995 under the best conditions possible:

  1. CALLS ON Member States to contribute individually and/or collectively towards the success of the Sixth African Games to be held in Zimbabwe from 13 to 23 September 1995;

  1. REQUESTS Member States to particularly ensure the participation of their renowned sportsmen, women and star teams in the various disciplines in order to raise the technical standard and quality of the events, thus contributing to the improvement of Africa’s competitiveness in world events;

  1. COMMENDS the government of the republic of Zimbabwe for its laudable efforts aimed at giving the African Youths, Sports and Cultural Festival all the publicity and glamour it deserves;

  1. EXHORTS the Supreme Council for Sports in Africa to intensify its efforts to make sports in general and the African games in particular one of the means of fostering unity, understanding and brotherhood in Africa;

  1. PLEDGES to give as much as possible the requisite moral, political and material support to the African Sports Movement.

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