Resolution on the International Convention on Desertification

CM/Res.1571 (LXI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Sixty-first Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 23 to 27 January, 1995,

Recalling Resolution CM/Res.1535 (LX) on the elaboration of an International Convention to Combat Desertification in those countries experiencing serious drought and/or desertification, particularly in Africa, adopted by the Sixtieth Ordinary Session held in Tunis, Tunisia from 6 to 11 June 1994,

Recalling also Resolution CM/Res.1508 (LIX) on the Status of the INCD adopted by the Fifty-ninth Ordinary Session, held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 31 January to 4 February 1994 as well as Resolution CM/Res.1402 (LVIII) adopted by the Fifty-eighth Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers on the same subject,

Further recalling Resolution 47/188 of 22 December, 1992, of the United Nations General Assembly on the establishment of the INCD,

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the signing of the International Convention to combat Desertification CM/1871,

Having heard the statement by the Secretary-General on the outcome of the Sixth Session convened by INCD in New York, from 6 to 20 January, 1995,

Reaffirming the need to respect the priority given to Africa in conformity with the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 47/188 on the INCD to initiate negotiations on a Convention to combat desertification, especially in Africa, the

implementation of the Annex for Africa, as well as the need to establish interim arrangements to allow for a prompt start of the implementation of the provi sions of the African Annes:

  1. TAKES NOTE WITH SATISFACTION of the Report of the Secretary-General on the International Convention on desertification;

  1. COMMENDS the Secretary-General for the quality of his report on the results of the INCD negotiations, as well as the action he has taken to co-ordinate and harmonize the views of the African countries throughout the five Sessions of the INCD;

  1. EXPRESSES ITS GRATITUDE to the Inter-governmental Negotiating Committee (INCD), especially its Chairman and the entire Bureau for all the efforts deployed to ensure successful conclusion of the Negotiation within the time frame specified in Resolution 47/188 of the UN General Assembly, the Executive Secretary of the INCD and its staff for the financial and technical support extended to Member States of the OAU and the relevant sub-regional organizations;

  1. HAILS the efforts deployed by the African Group, its commitment and dedication to defend and promote African interests throughout the INCD Negotiation as well as the OAU Ad-Hoc Ministerial Contact Group and by the Working Group of Experts, for providing the necessary technical backstopping to the African Group throughout the INCD process;

  1. EXPRESSES SATISFACTION with the support which the Joint Secretariat Organizations (UNEP, UNDP,UNSO, ADB and ECA) is giving to the African Group and especially the OAU Ad-Hoc Working Group of Experts;

  2. DECIDES to extend the mandates of the Ministerial Contacts Group and the Ad- Hoc Working Group of Experts up to the First Conference of the Parties (COP);

  1. EMPHASIZES the need for the OAU to get involved in the mobilization of resources for the implementation of the annex on Africa in the Convention and to establish consultative links with the International Organizations; donor countries and NGO’s with a view to ensuring that Africa gets the maximum from the Convention;

  1. EXPRESSES SATISFACTION with the pledges made in Paris by several donor countries during the signing of the Convention, particularly those pledges intended to assist in combating Desertification and Drought in Africa, and

CALLS ON technical cooperation organizations within and outside the UN system to increase their support to Africa in this area;

  1. URGES Member States of the OAU which have not yet signed and ratified the Convention to do so as soon as possible to demonstrate the Continent’s interest and hope in the convention;

  1. APPEAL to other State parties to sign and ratify the Convention as early as possible;

  1. ENCOURAGES Member States to use the guidelines prepared by the OAU Ad- Hoc Working Group of Experts;

  1. REQUESTS the Secretary-General in collaboration with the Joint Secretariat Organizations to explore the possibility of convening a regional Conference in 1996 to follow-up on the UNCED decisions;

  2. REQUESTS the competent international organizations, particularly UNDP, UNEP, FAO and IFAD to back the INCD Secretariat in support measures that they will take in favour of Africa during the interim period, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention and the resolutions on urgent action for Africa and on the interim period;

  1. FURTHER REQUESTS the Secretary-General in collaboration with the Executive Secretariat of the INCD, the members of the Joint Secretariat Organizations (UNEP, UNDP/UNSOM, ADB and ECA), to put in place special measures/mechanism for supporting Africa in the implementation of the Resolution on Urgent Action for Africa during the interim Period and the Resolution on Interim Arrangement Measures prior to the entry into force of the Convention;

  1. REQUESTS the Secretary-General in collaboration with the President of the ADB and the Director of UNSO to explore the possibility of establishing a Special Fund at the ADB to finance the activities stipulated in the Convention on Desertification;

  1. REQUEST the Secretary-General to continue following up the implementation of the outcome of the 6th Session of the INCD, the preparation for the First COP and to report on the matter to the Sixty-second Council of Ministers.

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