Resolution on the Pan-African Conference on Youth and Development

CM/Res.1573 (LXI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Sixty-first Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 23 to 27 January 1995,

Having considered the Progress Report of the Secretary-General on the forthcoming Pan-African Conference on youth and Development (Document CM.1847 (LXI)),

Recalling the UN General Assembly Resolution 34/151 which designated 1985 as the International Year of the Youth,

Further Recalling Resolutions CM/Res.1011 (LXII), CM/Res.1236 (L), LC/Res.199 (XVII), CM/Res.1536 (LX) and the decision of the Fifty-fifth session of the Council,

Emphasizing the importance and timeliness of the First Pan-African Conference on Youth and development on the theme “African Youth in the 1990’s and Beyond: Peace, Participation and Development” :

  1. TAKES NOTE of the Progress Report of the Secretary-General;

  1. THANKS the Specialized Agencies of the United nations particularly the ECA, UNESCO, FAO, UNICEF, UNFPA, WHO, UNEP, ILO, ICRC and UNDP, as

well as the Pan-African Youth Movement and the other co-organizers of the Conference for their participation in its preparation and for their financial contributions;

  1. REQUESTS Member States to forward to the General Secretariat, if they have not yet done so, their reports on the implementation at the national level, of the previous Regional Plan of Action and on actions they undertook to improve the situation of the Youth, as well as their National Plan of Action on the Youth;

  1. URGES Member States to participate actively in the Conference and to include in their delegations youths and the most representative of youth organizations.

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