Resolution on Africa House in Paris

CM/Res.1606 (LXII)

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The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Sixty-Second Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 21 to 23 June, 1995,

Having considered the Report on Africa House in Paris contained in Document CM/1879 (LXII) Add.1,

Noting the fact that Africa has continued to be unjustly portrayed in stereotyped uncomplimentary terms in spite of the courageous reforms instituted by African States and the substantial successes scored in all spheres of human endeavour,

Convinced that a far-reaching, resolute and concerted action is needed to reverse, wherever necessary, this perception which is detrimental to Africa and Africans,

Conscious of the fact that Africa House in Paris is pursuing the cardinal objective of promoting a better knowledge of a constantly evolving Continent which is making its mark and churning our inventions even in the face of disasters and other misfortunes by depicting Africa’s major actors in the cultural, artistic and economic fields together with their ideas, initiatives and challenges,

Expressing satisfaction at the projects already initiated in the area of rehabilitation and projection of Africa’s moral and material interests, in the same vein as the Africa Centre in London and other institutions with similar objectives:

  1. WELCOMES the significant initiative of the Africa Centre and its invaluable role in projecting a better image of Africa to the rest of the world;

  1. CALLS ON Member States, African businessmen as well as cultural institutions in Africa to provide all possible assistance to the Africa Centre to enable it attain its objectives;

  1. APPEALS to the international community, in the light of the purposes and objectives of the World Cultural development Decade (1988 – 1997), to do all it can to support the Africa House in the pursuit of its objectives;

  1. REQUESTS the Secretary-General of OAU to submit periodic reports on the implementation of the “Africa House in Paris” project.

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