Resolution on the Scouting Movement in Africa

CM/Res.1607 (LXII)

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The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Sixty-Second Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 21 to 23 June, 1995,

Considering that the future of Africa to a great extent, depends on the efforts it deploys to promote and develop its human resources, particularly its youth,

Noting that in the future, young people will be called upon to assume various responsibilities in their respective countries and therefore their education constitutes a decisive stage in preparing them for active life,

Conscious of the need to complement the academic education of young people with an informal contribution to educational movements, in which they can increase their knowledge and competence, and develop their attitudes,

Bearing in mind the independent and non-political nature of the Scouting Movement,

Noting that the scouting movement is the largest educational movement in the World, and its aim is to contribute to the harmonious development of young people through the full realization of their potentials;

Recognizing that in Africa, the scouring movement is the largest movement in young people, a movement which has proved its mettle in the areas of education and moulding of young people., as well as in the training of adults,

Noting with satisfaction that in many African countries the scouting movement has successfully undertaking community development projects – food production, health, hygiene, literacy programmes and has directly contributed to the improvement of the living conditions of the concerned populations:

  1. HAILS the scouting movement in Africa and its contributions to the development of the continent;

  1. DECIDES to devote a day for scouting activities in Africa and REQUESTS the OAU Secretariat to initiate consultations with Member States in order to fix a date which symbolizes the Scout Movement;

  1. URGES all Member States of the OAU to actively support the development, consolidation and expansion of the scouting movement in Africa;

  1. RECOMMENDS that the necessary support be given to national scouting structures in Africa in order to facilitate their participation in international scouting activities;

  1. REQUESTS the Secretary-General of the OAU to follow-up the implementation of these recommendations.

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