Resolution on Burundi

CM/Res.1619 (LXIII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Sixty-Third Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 26 to 28 February 1996,

Having considered the Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Burundi, (Doc. 1912 (LXIII)B,

Having heard the statement of the Minister of External Relations and Cooperation of Burundi on the developments in that country,

Considering the prevailing unstable political and security situation in Burundi and taking note of the significant effort made by the Government of Burundi,

Noting the considerable efforts deployed by the OAU and the Current Chairman towards restoring peace, stability and national reconciliation in Burundi,

Aware of the positive role of neighbouring countries and certain Eminent Persons such as former Presidents Carter, Nyerere and Amadou Toumani Toure, Arch-Bishop Desmond Tutu, in the search for a lasting solution to the problem of Burundi,

Considering the importance of the Bujumbura Declaration on Assistance to Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in the Great Lakes Region towards finding lasting solution to the problem in Burundi,

Recalling the decision of the Central Organ of the OAU mechanism for conflict prevention, management and resolution at its Fifth Ordinary Session held at ministerial level on 18th and 19th December, 1995, to extend the mandate of OMIB for a period of three months as from December 1995:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the-Secretary-General’s Report;

  1. EXPRESSES its serious concern over the duration of the crisis in Burundi and while urging the Government of Burundi to pursue its effort aimed at the restoration of peace and national reconciliation;

  2. STRONGLY URGES the people of Burundi particularly the political parties and the Armed Forces to demonstrate a firm commitment to dialogue, peace and national reconciliation and ENTRUSTS the Central Organ to pursue its effort vigorously and report to the 64th Session of


  1. REAFFIRMS its strong support for-the Convention of Government and appeals to all political and other forces, especially the army and the security forces to join hands in implementing the said convention towards restoring and consolidating peace and for the return of democracy;

  2. REITERATES ITS APPEAL for greater cooperation among countries of the region in their search for a lasting solution to the problem of insecurity and instability in the region;

  3. WHILE RECOGNIZING the significance of the holding of the Cairo Conference on 28th and 29th November, 1995, and the Tunisia Conference scheduled for 3 - 5 March, 1996, UNDERSCORES the necessity and importance of a better coordination given the numerous initiatives of the international community for a lasting solution to the problem in the Great Lake region and REQUEST the Secretary-General to take all necessary measures to that effect;

  4. REITERATES ITS SUPPORT for the convening of a Regional Conference on peace, security, stability and development in the Great Lakes Region;

  5. ALSO COMMENDS the efforts of OMIB in Burundi and CALLS ON the authorities of Burundi to facilitate the full implementation of the Headquarters Agreement and the Protocol on the deployment of the Military Component signed by the Government of Burundi and OMIE especially the parts relating to the free movement of OMIB military personnel;

  6. APPEALS to the international-. community for an urgent and increased humanitarian assistance to displaced persons in and refugees from Burundi in the neighbouring countries, in particular within the framework of the implementation of the Bujumbura Programme of Action;

  7. CALLS UPON the Burundian Authorities to improve the necessary security measures so as to ensure the security and protection of the personnel of the international organizations, IGOs and NGOS, in order to facilitate their humanitarian task;

  8. REQUESTS the OAU Secretary-General to continue working in close collaboration with the Secretary- General and the Security Council of the UN, so as to reach a lasting political solution to the problem in Burundi;

  9. REQUESTS the Secretary General to continue to monitor closely the situation in Burundi-and report thereon to the Sixty-Fourth Ordinary Session of Council.

Reservation of Rwanda delegation noted regarding Para. 7

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