Resolution on the Twelth Meeting of the Conference of African Minister of Industry

Resolution on the Twelth Meeting of the Conference of African Minister of Industry

CM/RES.1663 (LXIV)

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The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Sixty-Fourth Ordinary Session in Yaounde, Cameroon, from 1 to 5 July 1996,

Having considered the report the Secretary-General on the 12th meeting of the Conference of Ministers of Industry and UNIDO General Conference Resolution GC.6/Res.11 on die IDDA;

Recalling the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community,

Bearing in mind the Cairo Agenda for Action adopted by the Seventeenth Extra-ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers,

Recalling further the Second IDDA adopted by the United Nations General Assembly,

Reiterating OAU Summit Resolution AHG/Res.5 (XXXII) of 28 June 1995 supporting UNIDO,

Taking note of the statement by the Director General of UNIDO to the Council of Ministers especially in respect of the “Alliance for Africa’s Industrialization”,

Reaffirming the primary responsibilities of the African countries in the implementation of the programme for the Second Decade and the need for the mobilization of their own resources and for substantial flow of technical and financial resources from the international community towards the industrialization of Africa;

CM/RES.1663 (LXIV)

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  1. TAKES NOT WITH APPRECIATION of the Report of the Secretary-General on the 12th Meeting of the Conference of African Ministers of Industry and on the 6 th Session of the General Conference of UNIDO;

  1. ENDORSES the Gaborone Declaration and the resolutions adopted by the Conference of African Ministers of Industry at its Twelfth meeting;


decisions of the legislative bodies of UNIDO to continue to accord highest priority to African and the IDDA;

  1. ENDORSES the launching of the Alliance for Africa’s Industrializa tion as a dynamic mechanism for the attainment of the goals and objectives of the IDDA and INVITES Africa’s development partners and the international community to intensify their cooperating with African governments and private sector industrial enterprises in support of the Alliance;

  1. CALLS ON all Member States of the OAU to participate actively in the 13th Meeting of the Conference of African Ministers of Industry and the Second All Africa Private Sector Forum scheduled to be held in Accra in May 1997;

  1. INVITES all African States and Africa’s development partners to participate actively in the meeting for the launching of the Alliance for Africa’s industrialization which will be chaired by H.E. Mr. Henri Konan BEDIE, President of the Republic of Cote d’Iv oire, in Abidjan in the last quarter of 1996;

  1. REQUESTS the Secretary-General of the OAU in close cooperation with the Executive Secretary of ECA and the Director General of UNIDO to continue their assistance in the implementation of the programme for the 2nd IDDA and to undertake follow-up actions for the mobilization of resources and national, sub-

regional and regional levels for industrialization in Africa and jointly submit a biennial report on the matter to the OAU Council of Ministers and Summit Conference.

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