Decision on the Operationalisation of the World Solidarity and Poverty Reduction Fund


The Executive Council:

  1. RECALLS the decisions on the World Solidarity and Poverty Reduction Fund adopted by the Organization of African Unity at various levels, particularly Decision CM/Dec.654 (LXXV) of the 75th Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers and Decision AHG/Dec.178 (XXXVIII) of the 38th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government;

  2. WELCOMES the adoption by the United Nations General Assembly meeting in its 57th Regular Session, of Resolution 57/265 on the effective and definitive establishment of the World Solidarity and Poverty Reduction Fund which constitutes a new tool for addressing human development issues and a demonstration of the Principle of Solidarity among peoples;

  3. REITERATES the need to continue to work with all the regional and international bodies concerned to implement the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 57/265 for the rapid and concrete operationalisation of the World Solidarity and Poverty Reduction Fund;

  4. URGES Member States to contribute voluntarily to raise the requisite financial resources to enable the Fund to undertake its activities and attain its objectives of combating poverty and establishing the Principle of Solidarity among the peoples of the international community;

  5. CALLS UPON Member States to encourage African Civil Society Organizations, the private sector and individuals to assist in mobilizing financial resources for the Fund to enable it fulfil its objectives.

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