Decision on the Situation in the Comoros


Doc. EX/CL/42 (III)a

The Executive Council:

  1. EXPRESSES ITS GRAVE CONCERN at the difficulties encountered in the implementation of the Fomboni Framework Agreement for National Reconciliation in The Comoros;

  2. REITERATES that the Fomboni Framework Agreement of 17 February 2001 remains the appropriate framework for resolving the crisis in The Comoros, and APPEALS to all the parties involved to comply with the spirit and letter of the Agreement;

  3. TAKES NOTE of the results of the visit to South Africa on 20 June 2003, by the three Presidents of the autonomous Islands of The Comoros at the invitation of the Government of South Africa;

  4. URGES all the other Comorian parties involved in the reconciliation process to demonstrate a spirit of dialogue and accommodation to facilitate the completion of the process of setting up the institutions provided for in the Fomboni Agreement, and to speed up the reconciliation process;

  5. ENCOURAGES the Ministerial Committee of the countries of the region and the Troika to pursue their efforts to resolve all outstanding issues to pave the way for legislative elections;

  6. EXPRESSES ITS APPRECIATION to all AU Partners in The Comoros, namely the European Union, the United Nations, the Francophonie and the League of Arab States, for their continued support for the efforts of the AU and the Government of South Africa in the search for national reconciliation and durable peace in The Comoros.

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