Decision on the Peace Process in Somalia


The Executive Council:

  1. REAFFIRMS its commitment to the unity, territorial integrity and independence of Somalia;

  2. EXPRESSES satisfaction at the progress achieved at the ongoing Somalia National Reconciliation Conference at Mbagathi, Kenya, and URGES the National Transition Government and the Parties to continue to demonstrate the required political will in order to ensure the successful conclusion of the Conference;

  3. EXPRESSES appreciation for the efforts deployed by Ambassador Bethuel Kiplakat, Kenya’s Special Envoy for Somalia and Chair of the IGAD Technical Committee, in fostering reconciliation at the Mbagathi Conference with a view to reaching a positive conclusion;

  4. COMMENDS the efforts of the Frontline States, namely, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya, as well as the partners that have supported the Conference so far and URGES them to redouble their collective efforts in speeding up the peace process;

  5. CALLS UPON the Somali leaders, including the traditional leaders and elders, to continue to show commitment to achieve lasting peace and stability for the benefit of the Somali population;

  6. APPEALS to the Somali leaders and factions to fully observe the cessation of hostilities as provided for in the Eldoret Declaration of 27 October 2002, with the objective of achieving a lasting peace and stability in Somalia;

  7. SUPPORTS the Decision of the 92nd Ordinary Session of the Central Organ of the Mechanism for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution at Ambassadorial level, held on 12 and 13 June 2003 in Addis Ababa, which expressed the readiness of the African Union to play the role expected of it in support of the reconciliation process, including the deployment of an AU Military Observer Mission in Somalia to monitor the cessation of hostilities provided for in the Eldoret Declaration of 27 October 2002;

  8. APPEALS to the donors and the international community at large to provide the support and assistance required to facilitate the deployment of the AU Military Observer Mission in Somalia;

  9. FURTHER APPEALS to the international community to support the peace initiatives in Somalia and provide the needed humanitarian assistance to the populations affected by the war in that country;

  10. SUPPORTS the work of the Panel mandated by the United Nations Secretary General under Resolution 1425 of 22 July 2002, to gather independent information on violation of the arms embargo imposed on Somalia by virtue of Resolution 733 (1992) of 23 January 1992, and come up with recommendations on eventual concrete measures to implement the arms embargo. Council INVITES the countries of the region and the Somali leaders/factions to fully cooperate in the Panel to enable it discharge its mandate;

  11. APPEALS to Member States and the international community at large to backstop the deployment of a peace-keeping force in Somalia and facilitate the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration process immediately after the conclusion of the Mbagathi Conference with a view to restoring peace and security in Somalia.

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