Decision on the Situation in the Central African Republic (CAR)

Doc. EX/CL/42 (III)g

The Executive Council:

  1. REAFFIRMS its unwavering commitment to the relevant Algiers Decision of July 1999 and the Lome Declaration on Unconstitutional Change of Government, and ENDORSES the Decision on the situation in the Central African Republic taken by the Central Organ of the Mechanism for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution meeting in its 90th Ordinary Session on 17 March 2003;

  2. REQUESTS the authorities of the Central African Republic to take the necessary measures to expeditiously restore constitutional legality, and ENCOURAGES them to continue to work towards national reconciliation and dialogue with the entire political and social forces in the country;

  3. RECOMMENDS, in the meantime, the suspension of the participation of the Central African Republic in the activities of the decision-making organs of the African Union in conformity with the Lome Declaration;

  4. WELCOMES the decision of the Interim Chairperson to send his Special Envoy, Mr. Sadok Fayala of Tunisia, to the CAR and the other countries of the region, REQUESTS him to maintain and intensify the Dialogue already set in motion with the authorities of the Central African Republic as well as with the other political and social players in the country, with a view to accelerating the return to constitutional legality and FURTHER REQUESTS the Commission to speed up the process of opening an AU Liaison Office in the Central African Republic in pursuance of the pertinent Central Organ Decision;

  5. FURTHER WELCOMES the efforts deployed by Member States of CEMAC and the development partners towards national reconciliation and speedy return of constitutional legality;

  6. ALSO REQUESTS the Chairperson of the Commission to maintain contacts with all the concerned regional and international organizations with a view to coordinating and harmonizing their activities and positions with those of the African Union, on the Central African Republic problem;

  7. APPEALS to international donors, including the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to provide the requisite assistance to facilitate socio-economic recovery in the Central African Republic.

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