Decision on the Proposed International Conference on the Great Lakes Region



Doc. EX/CL/43 (III)

The Executive Council:

  1. REITERATES the support of the AU for the proposed International Conference on Peace, Security, Democracy and Development in the Great Lakes Region. The Conference will provide a holistic and concerted approach to tackle the recurring instability and other attendant problems prevailing in the region;

  2. EXPRESSES SATISFACTION at the fact that the countries of the region have unanimously welcomed the proposed International Conference, and endorsed the recommendation according to which the preparatory process may begin immediately. WELCOMES the First Meeting of National Coordinators of the International Conference held in Nairobi, Kenya, on 23-24 June 2003;

  3. UNDERSCORES the importance of the countries of the region taking ownership of the Conference, on the basis of the relevant Decisions, Declarations and other documents adopted by the OAU/AU on Democracy, Good Governance, human rights, conflict Prevention and Management, as well as on Economic Development and Integration;

  4. EMPHASIZES the importance of the solemn Declaration on the Conference on Security, Stability, Development and Cooperation in Africa (CSSDCA) adopted by the Lome Summit in July 2002, and its relevance for the proposed Conference on the Great Lakes Region;

  5. WELCOMES the political and diplomatic support of the neighbouring countries of the Great Lakes Region and other countries for the preparatory process and the holding of the Conference;

  6. ENCOURAGES the Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union to pursue his efforts in concert with the United Nations and the States of the Region and take all the necessary measures to support the preparatory process, thereby contributing to the success of the conference;

  7. EXPRESSES SATISFACTION at the active partnership and fruitful cooperation between the UN and the AU, particularly through the Office of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for the Great Lakes Region and the Special Envoy of the Chairperson of the AU Commission, in all the initiatives relating to the preparation of the International Conference;

  8. URGENTLY APPEALS to the international community, especially bilateral and multilateral partners to provide their support and political, diplomatic, technical and financial assistance towards the preparation, holding and follow-up on the International Conference thereby ensuring its success.

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