Decision on Intergration of Nepad into the Structures and Processes of the African Union

Doc. EX/CL/60 (III)

The Executive Council:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the Report of the Interim Chairperson and of the Study by Consultants, on the Integration of NEPAD into the structures and processes of the African Union;

  2. STRESSES THAT the momentum and impact that NEPAD has created should be maintained and reinforced;

  3. REAFFIRMS THAT NEPAD being an AU programme, the integration of its Secretariat into the AU Commission should be gradual and should commence after the Maputo Summit, with a possible duration of three (3) years, or until such a time as the Structures of the AU become operational, whichever comes first;

  4. REQUESTS the Chairperson of the Commission to establish a Coordinating Unit of not more than 5 staff in the Commission in order to facilitate the functional and programmatic aspects of the integration process, and to make proposals to the PRC, regarding the grading of the staff, taking into account the recommendations already made by the PRC concerning the Structure;

  5. REQUESTS the Chairperson of the Commission to take all necessary measures to ensure coordination and cooperation between the Unit to be created and the NEPAD Secretariat in Pretoria;

  6. DIRECTS THAT all other issues brought out in the Study on the Integration of NEPAD into the AU Structures and Processes, which do not relate directly to the AU Structures, should be left to the Heads of State and Government Implementation Committee (HSGIC) of NEPAD which had commissioned the study;

  7. URGES Regional Representatives in both the NEPAD Steering Committee and HSGIC to keep all Member States of their respective regions informed regularly of developments within NEPAD.

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