Decision on Maritime Security in Africa

Doc. EX/CL/61(III) Add.l

The Executive Council:

  1. TAKES NOTE WITH APPRECIATION of the Note submitted by the Republic of Ghana;

  2. RECOGNIZES safety and security of maritime activities in general and in particular maritime transport as vital for the orderly and regular development of the maritime economies of African States;

  3. FURTHER RECOGNIZES the importance of seaborne trade in the economies of African countries;

  4. APPEALS to Member States that have not yet done so to accede to and implement all relevant international Conventions on the issue, in particular the International Ship and Port Facility Security and the Convention on the Safety of Life at Sea;

  5. REQUESTS the Commission to carry out the revision of the African Maritime Charter and the Model Maritime Legislation with a view to adapting them to the prevailing conditions;

  6. ALSO REQUESTS the Commission to study containerization and the possibility of establishing a container center in Africa;

  7. FURTHER REQUESTS the Commission to convene a Conference of Ministers in charge of Maritime Transport preceded by a Preparatory Meeting of Experts to consider and adopt the revised documents;

  8. FINALLY REQUESTS the Chairperson of the Commission to submit a report to the 5th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council.

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