Decision on Youth and Sports in Africa


Doc. EX/CL/61(III) Add.4

The Executive Council:

  1. RECOGNIZES the role sports play in cultural, social and political life of member States as well as in building greater unity and solidarity in Africa;

  2. TAKES NOTE of the goal of the Olympic movement, which is to build a peaceful and better world by educating the youth of the world through sport practiced without any discrimination and in a spirit of mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and fair play;

  3. COMMENDS the efforts deployed by Member States to develop physical education and sports by funding different competitions, which involve the youth of the Continent;

  4. EXPRESSES concern over the enormous shortfall Africa suffers from in the majority of sport disciplines, including the emerging problems that range from intolerance, racism, violence and drug abuse, the effects of which should be curtailed immediately through the adoption of concrete measures;

  5. STRESSES the need to further strengthen harmonious relationship between the various actors involved in the development of sport at the national, continental and international levels;

  6. FURTHER STRESSES the need to adopt a common policy designed to place sports and physical education at the service of development of member countries and their peoples;

  7. REQUESTS the Ministers of Member States in charge of sports to establish a consultative committee that will focus on physical education and sports, with a view to mobilizing the sport movement to cooperate in the eradication campaign of HIV/AIDS, drug abuse, the protection of the environment and the reduction of poverty;

  8. REQUESTS FURTHER the Commission to bring this decision to the attention of concerned authorities of Member States and report on the implementation of the decision at its next meeting.

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