Decision on the Tenth Anniversary of the International Year of the Family (IYF)


The Executive Council:

  1. RECALLS the decision taken by the First Session of the Labour and Social Affairs Commission of the AU on preparations for marking the Tenth Anniversary of the International Year of the Family (IYF) in 2004;

  2. FURTHER RECALLS the proclamation of 1994 as the International Year of the Family (IYF) by the UN and OAU resolutions CM/Res. 1466(LVIII) and LC/Res. 201 (XVII) adopted respectively by the 58th and 60th Sessions of the OAU Council of Ministers in support of the IYF and its follow-up;

  3. RECOGNIZES that the family is the nucleus of the society and the prime mechanism for coping with social, economic and political adversity in the continent;

  4. RECOGNIZES the central role the family can play in sustainable development, social cohesion and integration;

  5. RECOGNIZES FURTHER the fact that, although some achievements were made in observing the IYF, some crucial issues of family policy were not resolved and no proper follow-up was made on the IYF;

  6. REAFFIRMS Africa’s commitment to give a new impetus to the follow-up of the IYF and promote the role of the family in addressing the socio-economic, cultural and political challenges facing the society;

  7. SUPPORTS the various UN Decisions concerning the proclamation, preparations for and observance of the International Year of the Family and the principles and objectives of observing the tenth anniversary of the IYF in 2004;

  8. CALLS ON Member States to put in place national mechanisms for the preparation and observance of the tenth anniversary of the IYF and formulate family-sensitive policies and programmes in accordance with the objectives of the IYF;

  9. MANDATES the AU Commission, in collaboration with UNICEF, UNFPA and other interested social partners, to elaborate a Plan of Action on Family in Africa which would constitute Africa’s contribution to the Tenth Anniversary of the IYF;

  10. REQUESTS the AU Interim Chairperson to submit progress reports on the implementation of the Plan of Action to subsequent sessions of the Executive Council.

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