Decision on Matters Related to the Operationalization of Activities of the Women Gender and Development Directorate


The Executive Council:

  1. RECALLS that the broad objective of the gender programme of the AU is to promote the emancipation of African women and gender equality, in order to ensure that women and men have equal access to factors needed for their equal and unhindered participation in development and other processes that shape and define their conditions of life and work;

  2. WELCOMES the recent positive developments in the AU Commission regarding the mainstreaming of gender issues into all the initiatives for implementation of the Durban Decisions through the Gender Task Force;

  3. CALLS UPON the AU Commission to set in motion the process leading up to the elaboration of an AU Policy and Declaration on Gender to inspire, inform and provide the framework within which gender issues are to be tackled within the African Union, and guide the activities of the Commission as well as the Member States in this area;

  4. ALSO CALLS UPON the AU Commission to elaborate an effective strategy for the Commission which will provide guidelines on how to mainstream gender into the activities of the Commission as well as Member States and Regional Economic Communities (RECs) together with indicators for tracking, monitoring and evaluating progress, in order to facilitate the advancement of women as an integral part of all social, political, economic and cultural development initiatives undertaken by AU;

  5. FURTHER CALLS UPON the AU Commission to elaborate an implementation and coordination framework, including a gender management system, which links and streamlines gender work within the Commission, the other organs of the AU, the Member States, the RECs and the other stakeholders.

  6. UNDERSCORES the need for the African Union to pursue the process aimed at operationalising the African Women’s Committee for Peace and Development particularly to its harmonious integration in the new structures of the Union and report thereon to the Fourth Ordinary Session of the Executive Council.

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