Decision on the Second United States of America-Sub-Saharan Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum (AGOA II)


- Doc. EX.CL/10(II)c

The Executive Council,

  1. TAKES NOTE of the Report;

  2. REQUESTS the Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union to continue to monitor progress in the implementation of AGOA; examine the problems encountered by eligible countries while implementing the AGOA; and explore ways and means of expanding trade and investment between the USA and African countries, South of the Sahara;

  3. FURTHER TAKES NOTE of the expressed intention of the US President Georges W. Bush to recommend to the US Congress the extension of AGOA beyond 2008;

  4. FURTHER REQUESTS the Chairperson to carry out consultations and study the ways and means of putting in place a mechanism to ensure that all African countries and their people benefit from the provisions of AGOA, particularly the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA);

  5. DIRECTS the Commission of the Union to contact USAID with a view to exploring the possibility of assisting eligible countries to take advantage of the multi-tier capacity building initiative, namely: the Trade for African Development and Enterprise (TRADE) Initiative;

  6. URGES Member States and the Commission to also explore prospects of exploiting the newly launched Special Millennium Fund, administered by the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC);

  7. APPEALS to the Government of the United States of America to continue to support African Union’s application for Observer Status at the WTO;

  8. REQUESTS the Commission to consult with the USTR and other relevant institutions with a view to creating a mechanism to enable all the competent organs of the African Union to work in concert with Africa’s friends to ensure adoption of AGOA III which is expected to expand cooperation between the United States and African countries;

  9. CALLS for the creation of a Consultative Mechanism at the level of the Commission of the AU, the Secretariats of the RECs and the US Trade Department, with a view to strengthening and deepening cooperation and collaboration on issues of trade, investment and development.

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