Decision on the State of Africa's Children

DOC.EX.CL/113 (V)b

The Executive Council:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the Report;

  2. EXPRESSES DEEP CONCERN about the multi-dimensional challenges facing the African children on the continent;

  3. REAFFIRMS the commitments made in the African Common Position on the Future of Children adopted by the Lusaka Summit in 2001 mandating the AU Commission to elaborate a biennial report on the status of the African Child and to Member States to establish national mechanisms to implement them and forward reports to the AU Commission;

  4. ALSO EXPRESSES ITS GRATITUDE to UNICEF for its technical support in the elaboration of the Report and CALLS ON its continued cooperation and support;

  5. ONCE AGAIN URGES Member States which have not yet done so to sign, ratify and implement the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child;

  6. CALLS ON all relevant cooperating partners to continue to assist Member States as well as the AU Commission in the implementation of programmes to promote the well-being of African children;

  7. REQUESTS the AU Commission to submit biennial progress reports to the Executive Council on the implementation of the African Common Position on the Future of Children.

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