Decision on the Second Ordinary Session of the AU Labour and Social Affairs Commission

DOC. EX.CL/114 (V)

The Executive Council:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the Report;

  2. ENDORSES the recommendations as contained in the report of the Second Ordinary Session of the AU Labour and Social Affairs Commission held in Cotonou, Benin, from 19 - 24 April 2004;

  3. URGES Member States to sign and ratify and implement the various texts and instruments that have been adopted and establish appropriate mechanisms for their implementation, follow­up and evaluation;

  4. REQUESTS that the NEPAD social programme be integrated into the structure and Strategic Plan of the Commission;

  5. COMMENDS the Commission for elaborating the Draft Social Policy Framework and URGES Member States to submit input by various social sectors to make the document all encompassing and comprehensive; and REQUESTS the Commission to submit the finalized document at the 7th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council in July 2005;

  6. REQUESTS the Commission to present a Report on the rotation of posts in the ILO Governing Body between the five regions and those occupied alternately by Africa and Latin America;

  7. CALLS ON the ILO and the African members of the ILO Governing Body, to ensure that Africa has a fair share of top level managerial positions at the ILO and that vacant posts within the Region be published;

  8. URGES Member States to forward inputs by relevant sectors to enrich the Draft Strategic Framework for a Policy on Migration in Africa by 30 November 2004;

  9. URGENTLY REQUEST Member States to forward inputs by relevant sectors and other stakeholders to enrich the Draft Strategic Framework for a Policy on Migration in Africa by 30 November 2004;

  10. REQUESTS Member States to become party to the AU Specialized Agencies such as the African Rehabilitation Institute (ARI), the Supreme Council for Sports in Africa (SCSA), the Pan-African Youth Union (PYU) and The African Centre for Applied Research and Training in Social Development (ACARTSOD), to support and utilize their services and to honour their financial obligations vis El­vis these institutions;

  11. ALSO REQUESTS the Commission to support and get more actively involved in the programmes and activities of ACARTSOD and the other agencies.

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