Decision on the Reform of the All-Africa Trade Fair (AATF)


DOC. EX.CL/117 (V)

The Executive Council:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the Report;

  2. REQUESTS the AU Commission to speed up the study on the reform of the AATF with a clear objective not limited to promotion of intra-African trade but also promoting Africa’s trade with the rest of the world;

  3. STRESSES that the objectives of the All-Africa Trade Fair are essentially to create awareness among African business communities about available African goods, commodities and services, as such Trade Fairs should be venues where exporters and importers should meet, discuss and conclude trade deals; to that end, requests that the study should include exploring opportunities for electronic commerce and use the website to promote the marketing of African goods as well as examine the possibility of developing a network of African sub-regional and AU Chambers of Commerce, while their potential contribution, as strategic partners to the reformed AATF and the practical modalities for translating the said network into an effective AU Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry;

  4. FURTHER DIRECTS that the study should explore the possibility of forming the Union of All-Africa Trade Fairs, similar to the one in Paris, with resources for assisting trade fairs in Africa;

  5. REQUESTS the AU Commission to report to the next session of Council on the conclusions of the study.

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