Decision on the Situation of Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons

DOC. EX.CL/ 108 (V)

The Executive Council:

  1. EXPRESSES DEEP CONCERN over the persistence of the problem of refugees and displaced persons in Africa;

  2. WELCOMES the positive developments that are taking place in the Continent which will pave the way for the return of millions of refugees and internally displaced persons in safety and dignity;

  3. COMMENDS Member States that continue to receive refugees and make available to them all the facilities and services in spite of their limited resources;

  4. EXPRESSES ITS GRATITUDE to humanitarian agencies which have contributed towards alleviating the plight and sufferings of African refugees;

  5. APPEALS to Member States that have not signed, ratified or acceded to the Treaties relating to refugees to do so at the earliest possible convenience;

  6. REAFFIRMS the importance of the voluntary repatriation as one of the most durable solutions to the refugee problem and URGES Member States concerned to create conducive conditions for the refugees’ repatriation and sustainable reintegration in their communities;

  7. REQUESTS the Commission of African Union in close cooperation with the Commission on Refugees to be closely involved in the programme of mass voluntary repatriation, resettlement and rehabilitation of returnees in the Member States in the crucial coming years;

  8. FURTHER REQUESTS the Commission to collaborate with relevant cooperating partners and other stakeholders to ensure that Internally Displaced Persons are provided with an appropriate legal framework to ensure their adequate protection and assistance;

EX/CL/Dec. 127 (V) Page 2

  1. EXPRESSES ITS APPRECIATION to the donor community for financial support extended to repatriation operations and CALLS UPON the international community to show solidarity by committing itself to provide increased assistance to countries of origin and asylum for the successful repatriation, resettlement and rehabilitation programmes;

  2. EXPRESSES concern over the grave violations of human rights in conflict situations and URGES Member States as well as Non-State Actors involved in armed conflicts to comply with the International Humanitarian Law (IHL);

  3. REQUESTS the Commission of African Union to keep monitoring the problem of refugees and displaced persons and to continue the implementation of the Comprehensive Implementation Plan (CIP) adopted in Conakry (Guinea) in March 2000, in close partnership with the UNHCR;

  4. ALSO REQUESTS the Commission of African Union to take necessary measures for the revitalization of the Coordinating Committee on Assistance to and Protection of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons with a view to strengthening its coordinating and advisory capacities;

  5. FURTHER REQUESTS the Commission to take the necessary steps to convene as early as possible the ordinary session of the AU Commission on Refugees, with a view to the adoption of its short term Plan of Action.

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