Decision on Equatorial Guinea

DOC.EX.CL/ 106 (V)

The Executive Council:

  1. COMMENDS the States of the Region and other Member States for their collaboration which made it possible to foil the destabilization attempt planned by mercenaries and ENCOURAGES them to preserve this cooperation;

  2. REQUESTS the authorities of Equatorial Guinea to ensure the organization of a fair trial for the arrested mercenaries based on the scrupulous respect of the right of defence and of relevant international instruments;

  3. REQUESTS the Chairperson of the Commission to take the necessary steps to find a global solution to the phenomenon of mercenary activities on the Continent through the harmonization of existing legislation and measures within the context of a review of the OAU Conventions on the elimination of mercenarism in Africa;

  4. ENCOURAGES the authorities of Equatorial Guinea to promote political dialogue with the opposition on a permanent basis and REQUESTS the Chairperson of the Commission to provide the support needed to this effect.

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