Decision on the Situation in Somalia


DOC. EX.CL/ 106 (V)

The Executive Council:

  1. WELCOMES the progress made at the Somalia National Reconciliation Conference at Mbagathi, Kenya;

  2. APPEALS to the Somali parties to cooperate closely with the IGAD Facilitation Committee and to uphold the deadline of 31 July 2004, for the formation of a Government for Somalia and to attend the I SAD Ministerial Facilitation Committee Meeting that will take place on 15 July 2004, in Nairobi;

  3. CALLS UPON those Somali leaders still in Somalia to quickly come to Nairobi to join the ongoing deliberations at the Reconciliation Conference. In this respect, Council REITERATES the determination of the African Union to mobilize the international community for targeted sanctions to be applied against all those faction leaders to be found deliberately undermining the process;

  4. COMMENDS the unrelenting efforts by Kenya and the other IGAD countries, aimed at restoring normalcy, peace and stability in Somalia;

  5. CALLS UPON the donors to provide sustained funding to enable the Reconciliation Conference achieve the set objectives;

  6. EXPRESSES ITS APPRECIATION for the work being done by the

UN Monitoring Group established pursuant to Security Council Resolution 1519(2003) of 16 December 2003 and URGES the Monitoring Group to continue its inquiry into the ongoing violations of the arms embargo and to explore the possibility of deploying a monitoring mechanism along Somalia’s sea-front, air space, and its borders, as a measure to strengthen the implementation of the arms embargo;

  1. REITERATES the readiness of the African Union to deploy, at an appropriate time, a Military Observer Mission to support the outcomes of the Reconciliation Conference and the transition in Somalia;

  2. COMMENDS the efforts of the UN agencies and NGOs that are providing much needed humanitarian support to the war-affected communities amid conditions of insecurity in Somalia;

  3. REQUESTS the United Nations Security Council and the International Community to support the Government of Somalia that will emanate from the Nairobi Conference with a view to the implementation of the disarmament, demobilization and reconciliation of the countries.

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