Decision on the Situation in Guinea-Bissau


DOC. EX.CL/106 (V)

The Executive Council:

  1. EXPRESSES SATISFACTION at the progress made in the implementation of the transitional charter and EXPRESSES ITS GRATITUDE to the transitional authorities for the efforts made to consolidate the peace process, democracy and the restoration of constitutional order;

  2. ALSO EXPRESSES SATISFACTION at organization, as provided for by the transitional charter, Parliamentary elections on 28 March 2004 characterized by public-spiritedness and respect for democratic principles and HAILS the smooth organization of these elections in a free, fair and transparent manner;

  3. APPEALS to the International Community to support these efforts by mobilizing all the energies that could contribute to the resumption of international cooperation in order to secure the necessary assistance for the consolidation of political stability and economic development;

  4. WELCOMES the consensus reached on the appointment of the Prime Minister and members of the Government as well as the President, Vice Presidents and Secretaries of the Bureau of the Peoples National Assembly;

  5. ENCOURAGES the Parties of Guinea-Bissau to continue to work towards national reconciliation and to continue to cooperate with ECOWAS and URGES them to pursue their fruitful cooperation with ECOWAS and the African Union.

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