Decision on Liberia


DOC. EX.CL/ 106 (V)

The Executive Council:

  1. EXPRESSES ITS APPRECIATION for the progress made so far in the disarmament and demobilization exercise, given its critical importance; and URGES the parties to complete the process as soon as possible. It further REQUESTS Member States of the AU and the wider international community, to provide as much assistance as possible to facilitate the early completion of the disarmament and demobilization exercise;

  2. URGES UNMIL, the NTGL and the leaders of the former warring factions to ensure that in the context of the disarmament and demobilization process, all Liberian combatants and arms remain in Liberia, in order to enable the peace processes in neighbouring countries to proceed;

  3. REQUESTS AU Member States and members of the wider international community, particularly those which made pledges at the Donor Conference held at New York in February 2004, to honour their pledges and provide as much assistance as possible to meet the substantial requirements of the Rehabilitation and the Reintegration aspects of the DDRR Programme. It further REQUESTS AU Member States and members of the wider international community to provide generously to the overall humanitarian and reconstruction effort in Liberia;

  4. APPEALS to the UN Security Council to lift the sanctions imposed on the sale of Liberian diamonds and timber in order to release funds that would enable the Liberian Government to meet its commitment, especially with regard to its rehabilitation and reconstruction programmes;

  5. URGES the Liberian parties to adhere to the date of October, 2005, as provided for in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, for the holding of the elections, and also CALLS on the international community to support the Liberian authorities, including the National Electoral Commission, through the provision of the necessary human, logistical and material resources, so that the stipulated deadline is met;

  6. SUPPORTS ECOWAS regional approach to find solutions to the conflicts in the region, and WELCOMES the efforts being made by the government of Liberia and the other governments in the Mano River Union, namely those of Guinea and Sierra Leone, as well as Cote d’Ivoire to improve inter-state relations, including the recent holding of a summit meeting of the Mano River Union;

  7. URGES all States in the region to fully support the implementation of the Accra Comprehensive Peace Agreement and to prevent their territories from being used by armed elements to destabilize their neighbours, as well as to strengthen cooperation;

  8. CONGRATULATES the Federal Republic of Nigeria for granting asylum to Charles Taylor, former President of Liberia, in accordance with the wishes of the African Union, ECOWAS, and the understanding of the international community. Consequently, REQUESTS that the international community continues to show understanding of the positive contribution of the exit of Charles Taylor from Liberia to the peace process in that country, and to continue to support and encourage Nigeria in this regard;

  9. ALSO URGES ECOWAS to remain seized of the issue.

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