Decision on the Situation in the Comoros


DOC. EX.CL/ 106 (V)

The Executive Council:

  1. WELCOMES the positive developments in the reconciliation process in The Comoros since the signing of the 20 December 2003 Agreement on the Transitional Arrangements in the Archipelago and COMMENDS the Comorian parties for the commitment they have shown in implementing this Agreement;

  2. STRESSES the necessity for the Comorian parties to abide by the basic texts governing the functioning of the Union of The Comoros and the need for the said parties to refrain from all acts that could jeopardize the progress so far achieved;

  3. EXPRESSES ITS APPRECIATION to South Africa, which coordinates the regional efforts on The Comoros, and to other countries of the region and the Troika, for their commitment and contribution to the reconciliation process in The Comoros. In this regard, Council REQUESTS the countries of the region and the Troika, under the coordination of South Africa, to continue to backstop the on-going process in The Comoros, to consolidate the progress so far made;

  4. ALSO EXPRESSES ITS APPRECIATION to AU Partners, namely the OIF, the League of Arab States, the European Union, France, the Indian Ocean Commission, Germany and the United Nations, for the support provided to the reconciliation process and to the AU efforts and UNDERSCORES the fact that the continuation of such collaboration is essential for the promotion of lasting reconciliation and stability in The Comoros;

  5. REITERATES the appeal of the AU to the International Community to provide the necessary financial and economic assistance for the socio-economic recovery of The Comoros. In this respect, Council INVITES the Commission, in close collaboration with the Governments of Mauritius and South Africa, to provide all the support needed to relaunch the preparations for the early convening, in Mauritius, of the Donors’ Round Table designed to mobilize the financial resources necessary for the socio-economic recovery of The Comoros.

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