Decision on the Ministerial Meeting on Free Movement in Africa


  1. TAKES NOTE of the Report;

  2. FURTHER TAKES NOTE of the resolutions contained therein;

  3. CALLS UPON Member States to facilitate and pursue free movement in Africa gradually in accordance with Article 43 of the Treaty establishing the African Economic Community (Abuja Treaty) considering the interdependence of social, economic, security and human rights dimensions of the movement of persons within the African Union;

  4. URGES Member States to ensure that the process of facilitating free movement be implemented at bilateral, sub-regional, and regional levels, from which an Africa wide framework would be developed;

  5. ACCEPTS the concept of an African Passport in principle and RECOMMENDS that further consultations be carried out at national, sub­regional, regional and continental levels to address all pertinent issues including constitutional, legal, social, economic, security and human rights aspects;

  6. ALSO ACCEPTS in principle the proposal for the issuance of an African Diplomatic Passport, and RECOMMENDS that consultations be undertaken before its issuance;

  7. REQUESTS the Commission in consultation with Member States to:

  1. consider establishing a committee of experts from Member States, charged with providing guidance to the Commission on matters relating to free movement of persons to carry the process forward.

  2. establish a specialized office to follow-up on the implementation of activities related to free movement in Africa.

  3. convene a forum for African Officials at sub-regional, regional and continental level to consult and recommend on issues of common concern such as the harmonization of relevant laws, policies and regulations as well as assess the structures that would facilitate free movement in Africa.

  4. proceed with necessary follow-up actions to ensure implementation of this decision and report to the next Ordinary Session of Council in January 2006.

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