Decision on the Report of the 7th AU Conference Ministers Responsible for Animal Resources


Doc. EX.CL/229 (VIII)

The Executive Council:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the Report;

  2. ENDORSES the Recommendations contained therein;

  3. ALSO NOTES the mission of the AU Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (IBAR), the mandate given to the NEPAD Secretariat and the important role of the Regional Economic Communities in the development of animal resources;

  4. APPROVES the AU/IBAR strategic plan for 2005-2007 and requests that issues related to production and trade be taken into account;

  5. WELCOMES the adoption by the conference of Ministers of the Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP) II companion document on the livestock sub-sector;

  6. REQUESTS AU/IBAR and the NEPAD Secretariat to strengthen their collaboration with the Regional Economic Communities and those of research institutions in order to implement the CAADP II companion document on the livestock sub-sector effectively;

  7. ALSO REQUESTS AU/IBAR to speed up the implementation of planned activities within the framework of the Somali Ecosystem Rinderpest Eradication Unit (SERECU) and prepare a post-PACE (Pan-African Control of Epizootis) programme and seek funding for the final eradication of rinderpest from the African continent;

  8. URGES all Member States to avail adequate resources to veterinary services and in particular epidemio-surveillance networks;

  9. REQUESTS the Commission to consider organising a donors round table and to mobilize new resources to consolidate the PACE programme;

  10. FURTHER REQUESTS the Commission to consider organising a donors’ conference for PATTEC activities to supplement the current funding efforts by the African Development Bank (ADB);

  11. NOTES with appreciation the progress made in the implementation of the PATTEC initiative and endorses the recommendation to make necessary changes in the structure of PATTEC coordination office in response of its expanding activities and scope of coverage;

  12. FURTHER REQUESTS the Commission to report to council at its 10th Ordinary Session on the implementation of this decision.

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