Decision on the Report on the Outcome of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) - Tunis Phase

EX.CL/238 (VIII)

The Executive Council:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the Report;

  2. WELCOMES the result of the Summit and the adoption of the “Tunis Commitment” and “Tunis Agenda for the Information society”;

  3. ALSO WELCOMES the large presence of African Heads of State and Government and the effective participation in the deliberation of the Tunis Summit;

  4. COMMENDS the President, Government and People of Tunisia for the efforts made to ensure the success of the WSIS and the positive results achieved;

  5. URGES Member States to establish inclusive national mechanisms for the implementation of the decisions of the WSIS in order to contribute to the achievement of the goals and objectives agreed on, including the Millennium Development Goals;

  6. INVITES all Member States and international organizations to support and contribute to the Digital Solidarity Fund (DSF);

  7. REQUESTS the Commission to ensure that the meetings of Ministers of ICT and the experts group are convened regularly and that their institutionalisation is carried out in line with the process of establishing the Specialized Technical Committees (STCs);

  8. AUTHORIZES the Commission to organize a Conference of the African Ministers in charge of Information and Communication Technologies with the participation of Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and Inter-Governmental Organizations involved in the decisions of the WSIS and the African Regional Action Plan of the Knowledge Economy (ARAPKE);

  9. ALSO REQUESTS the Commission to cooperate with United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and other relevant organizations and to develop a database to ensure inclusive participation of stakeholders in the implementation of regional activities in connection with the decisions of the WSIS;

  10. INVITES the Commission and relevant organizations to assess the capacity building requirements of Member States and develop a relevant programme in this regard;

  11. CALLS UPON the Commission to ensure a close co-operation with relevant regional and international organisations as well as the RECs in the follow-up on the decisions of the WSIS.

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