Decision on Migration and Development


The Executive Council:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the Report;

  2. RECOGNIZES the magnitude and impact of migration on development;

  3. EXPRESSES its grave concern over the growing number of migrants in Africa fleeing armed conflicts;

  4. ALSO EXPRESSES its concern over the alarming phenomenon of African brain drain;

  5. FURTHER EXPRESSES its concern over the development of the phenomenon of illegal migration;

  6. UNDERSCORES the need to implement as a matter of urgency development plans in Africa in order to promote indigenous development;

  7. ENCOURAGES Member States to finalize and implement the African Consultation and Cooperation Framework for an integrated migration policy, in order to address the problems posed by this phenomenon and to find lasting solutions thereto;

  8. EXPRESSES its grave concern over illegal migration of African youth, particularly to Europe with all the dangers they face;

  9. DEPLORES the inhuman and degrading treatment often meted out to African migrants residing in Africa and abroad;

  10. REITERATES the importance and the imperative need to engage as quickly as possible a global and inclusive political dialogue with European countries in order to find appropriate solutions, within the context of a development partnership;

  11. REQUESTS the African Troika and the Commission to place this item on the agenda of its meeting with the European Union Troika slated for mid-February 2006;

  12. ALSO REQUESTS the Commission to initiate the necessary contacts with the European Union Commission for the convening of an Africa-Europe Conference at Ministerial level, on this matter in 2006. The venue and date of this Conference shall be determined in consultation with Member States;

  13. REQUESTS the Commission to convene an Experts Meeting on the matter in Algiers, Algeria at the invitation of the Government in order to prepare a common African position in preparation for the conference referred to above;

  14. DECIDES to remain actively seized with the matter.

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