Decision on the Draft Migration Policy Framework for Africa

DOC. EX.CL/276 (IX)

The Executive Council:

  1. RECALLS its previous decision requesting Member States to submit comments to the AU Commission for the finalizing of the Draft Framework and mandating the AU Commission to submit the final draft to the next session of the Executive Council;

  2. TAKES NOTE of the Draft Migration Policy Framework for Africa;

  3. ALSO TAKES NOTE of the comments by Member States as incorporated in the final draft Framework;

  4. AWARE of the development challenges posed by migration as well as its benefits to Member States;

  5. ADOPTS the Migration Policy Framework for Africa as a basic guideline and reference document to assist Member States and RECs to develop national and regional migration policies;

  6. URGES Member States and RECs to utilize the migration framework, in the development of migration policies;

  7. REQUESTS the Commission in consultation with the International Organization for Migration and other relevant partners, to assist Member States with the development and implementation of sound migration policies;

  8. MANDATES the African Union Commission to develop, in collaboration with partners, a follow-up mechanism;

  9. FURTHER REQUESTS the Chairperson of the African Union Commission to periodically report on the implementation of the Framework.

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