Decision on he Activity Report of the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights (ACHPR)


The Executive Council:

  1. ADOPTS and, in conformity with Article 59 the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (African Charter), AUTHORIZES the publication of the 20th Activity Report of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) and the Annexes with the exception of decision 245 on Zimbabwe;

  2. INVITES Zimbabwe to communicate to the ACHPR, within two (2) months following the adoption of this decision, its observations on the said decision, and ACHPR to submit a report thereon at the next Ordinary Session of the Executive Council;

  3. ALSO INVITES Member States to communicate within two (2) months following the reception of ACHPR notification, their observations on the decisions that ACHPR is to submit to the Executive Council and /or the Assembly;

  4. URGES Member States to ratify, if they have not yet done so, the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights Relating to the Rights of Women in Africa which entered into force on 25 November 2005;

  5. EMPHASIZES the need for the Commission to allocate adequate human and financial resources to the ACHPR as provided for in Article 41 of the African Charter to enable it to successfully carry out its mandate in accordance with the provisions of the African Charter;

  6. ALSO URGES Member States which have not yet done so, to submit and present their initial/periodic reports to the ACHPR in keeping with Article 62 of the African Charter and REQUESTS the ACHPR to complete, as early as possible, the brainstorming it has initiated on its relations with the various organs and institutions of the African Union, including the African Court of Human and Peoples’ Rights, and submit appropriate recommendations to Council in January 2007;

  7. REQUESTS the ACHPR to participate actively in the process for the effective establishment of the African Court of Human and Peoples’ Rights and cooperate fully with this new institution.

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