Decision on the Global African Diaspora Summit -Doc. EX.CL/696(XX)

Doc. EX.CL/696(XX)

The Assembly,

  1. TAKES NOTE of the Report of the Diaspora Ministerial Conference held on 24 September 2011 and ENDORSES the outcomes and conclusions;

  2. APPROVES the Roadmap, schedule of activities and calendar of events proposed as lead up to the Summit and the follow-up processes;

  3. COMMENDS the efforts made by the Commission and the Government of South Africa in active preparation for the Global Diaspora Summit on 25 May 2012;

  4. REQUESTS the Commission and the Government of South Africa to continue their active collaboration and take all necessary measures to ensure the successful planning and conduct of the Global Africa Diaspora Summit;

  5. ALSO REQUESTS the Commission to consider and prepare a framework document on the representation of the African Diaspora in AU structures and processes in line with previous decisions of AU Policy Organs;

  6. REAFFIRMS its Decision that the Diaspora issue remains a standing item on the agenda of Summit meetings;

  7. CALLS UPON all Member States and relevant AU partners and Diaspora communities worldwide to support the effective preparation and conduct of the Global African Diaspora Summit and its implementation strategy thereafter;

  8. REQUESTS the Commission to report on the outcomes of the African Diaspora Summit to the next Ordinary Session of the Assembly in June 2012.

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