Decision on the Revitalization of AIDS Watch Africa -Doc. EX.CL/705(XX)

Doc. EX.CL/705(XX)

The Assembly,

  1. TAKES NOTE of the Report of the Commission on the revitalization of AIDS Watch Africa (AWA) including the Strategic Framework for AWA and initiatives to accelerate action to achieve African Union Commitments to combat HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in Africa;

  2. ENDORSES the recommendations of the PRC on this report;

  3. RECALLS its Decision Assembly/AU/Dec.6 (II) by which AWA was recognized as an advocacy platform at Africa’s top Leadership level and by which AWA Secretariat was relocated to the Commission;

  4. DECIDES to:

  1. Revitalize AWA as an AU Heads of State and Government Advocacy and Accountability Platform, as well as mobilize resources to fight these diseases;

  2. Broaden the representation in NNh to be continent-wide;

  3. Extend the mandate of NNh to include Tuberculosis and Malaria in addition to HIV/AIDS;

  4. Strengthen AWA Secretariat at the Commission to enable it fulfil its new mandates.

  1. URGES Heads of State and Government of AWA to intensify their efforts to maximize the visibility of AWA as an advocacy and accountability platform;

  2. CALLS UPON relevant development partners and stakeholders at national, regional and continental levels to provide sustained support to countries, including resource mobilization, in order to achieve Africa’s commitments on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria;

  3. REQUESTS the Commission to provide a breakdown of the financial implications of the revitalization of AWA on the 2013 AU Budget to the Executive Council in June 2012;

  4. ALSO REQUESTS the Commission to coordinate and monitor the implementation of NNh Strategic Framework, and to report annually to the ordinary sessions of the Assembly on progress made.

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