Decision on the Tenth Report of the Committee of Ten on the United Nations Security Council Reform - Doc. Assembly/AU/8(XVIII)


Doc. Assembly/AU/8(XVIII)

The Assembly,

  1. TAKES NOTE of the Report of the Committee of Ten Heads of State and Government on the Reform of the United Nations (UN) Security Council;

  2. ALSO TAKES NOTE of the recent developments in the intergovernmental negotiations on the United Nations (UN) Security Council Reform;

  3. REAFFIRMS the Ezulwini Consensus and Sirte Declaration containing the African common position on the Reform of the UN Security Council;

  4. UNDERSCORES the need for Africa to continue to speak with one voice and cohesively on all issues in the on-going intergovernmental negotiations, in order to build on the gains so far achieved by Africa and ensure that the interest of the continent continues to be maintained and safeguarded at all times;

  5. COMMENDS the efforts of the African Permanent Representatives to the UN in promoting and defending the continent’s interest in the UN Security Council Reform process;

  6. REQUESTS the African Permanent Representatives of the Committee of Ten to the UN participating in the on-going intergovernmental negotiations on the UN Security Council reform, to continue to work closely with other African Permanent Representatives to the United Nations, and to continue to dialogue with and engage other Member states and interest groups in the reform process, with a view to advocating, canvassing and promoting the African common position;

  7. ENCOURAGES the African Permanent Representatives of the Committee of Ten to the UN to continue to build on and intensify its efforts directed at forging alliance in support of the African common position with diverse interest groups engaged in the intergovernmental negotiations, and to seek any further guidance if necessary, in furtherance of its mandate;

  8. REQUESTS the Commission to continue to facilitate the activities of the African Permanent Representatives of the Committee of Ten to the UN in the intergovernmental negotiations on UN Security Council Reform and related consultations thereon;

  9. ALSO REQUESTS the Committee of Ten to continue to intensify efforts in advocating, canvassing and promoting the African common position to endeavour to reach out at the highest political levels for the purpose of garnering and galvanizing the necessary political will in support of the African common position;

  10. REITERATES that the Committee of Ten remains seized of this matter until Africa achieves its objectives on the Reform of the UN Security Council, and REQUESTS the Committee to report to the next Ordinary Session of the Assembly in June/July 2012.

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