Decision on the Elections of Members of the Commission


The Assembly,

Having conducted the election of the Chairperson of the Commission and taking note of the fact that neither of the two (2) candidates has obtained the required majority,

  1. DECIDES to:

  1. suspend the elections of the Members of the Commission, in conformity with the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly2;

  2. extend the term of office of the current Members of the Commission until the next Ordinary Session of the Assembly;

  3. establish an Ad-hoc Committee of Heads of State and Government composed of one (1) Member State per region together with the Republic of Benin as the Chairperson of the Union, the Republic of Gabon and the Republic of South Africa with the mandate to address the issues relating to the next elections of the Members of the Commission;

  1. REQUESTS the Commission to take all the necessary measures towards the implementation of this Decision and AUTHORISES the Permanent Representatives’ Committee (PRC) to approve the necessary expenditures in this regard.

2 Reservation by the Republic of Botswana

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